Remploy Furniture
GH20 Chairs
GH20 ChairsGH20 Chairs by Remploy are a cost effective choice of stacking chair perfect for use in c..
MX05 High Chairs
MX05 High ChairsMX05 High Chairs are a popular choice of high chair across schools in the UK.Traditi..
MX08 Stools
MX08 StoolsMX08 Stools are the perfect choice of stool for the school classroom.Flint or Silver fram..
MX24 Chairs
MX24 ChairsThe MX24 Chair by Remploy is a popular and affordable choice of Two Piece Polypropylene C..
Remploy GH20 Skidbase Chair
Remploy GH20 Skidbase ChairThe Remploy GH20 Skidbase Chair is a fantastic choice of skid base c..